In August 2007 and before the remains of Santiago el Mayor in Compostela, MI Mr. D. Jenaro Cebrián Franco (RIP), diocesan delegate of Pilgrimages, Canon of the SAMI Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela asked us to found an organization in honor to Santiago in Chile, to promote the figure of the Apostle and to be able to advise future pilgrims from these lands to the apostolic tomb, thus initiating the work informally. In December 2015, a group of young professionals committed to the cause legally founded it on May 23, 2016.
Since then we have organized dozens of talks, meals and walks to publicize the Camino and bring together pilgrims from all over Chile.
We were declared an Association of Public Interest by the Ministry General Secretary of Government (Chile); Recognized by the Xunta de Galicia (Spain) as the Association for the Promotion of the Camino de Santiago and this same Government thanked us with the Camino de Santiago 2019 Award as the best International Association.